To make sure we're happy, it's a good idea to make sure our bodies are all taken care of. If you happen to have eczema, you may not be feeling at peace and want to know what you can to restore balance. You do not want to miss the important advice below about eczema.
Avoid scratching your skin in areas that have eczema. This will only aid in making the skin itchier and will increase the inflammation. It could also cause infection. If you need to calm the itch, try applying a cooling gel or moisturizer. Make sure fingernails are clipped short, as well.
Pay attention to your hands. Because you wash them throughout the day, they can get very dry and are prone to more eczema. If you are engaged in an activity that involves water, like washing the dishes, wear rubber gloves. This will help protect your skin from the water throughout the day.
Use moisturizer often. You can use moisturizers to really help control eczema. Moisturize after your shower to help the skin absorb the moisturizer. Get a moisturizer that doesn't have unnatural additives, chemicals, or fragrance. This irritants can cause flare-ups. Creams and lotions with a thick texture work best.
Learn what triggers your eczema. Some people get flare up from dust mites, cosmetics, and certain foods. Even things like grass, soaps, and perfumes can cause flare-ups. Some items can trigger symptoms in almost all eczema sufferers like fragrances and cleaning products. When you learn what items make your symptoms worse, try to stay away from them.
Many people suffer from eczema in the country. There are tons of people out there that have to deal with this, and this kind of advice is perfect to help others. Keep all of this information at your disposal.